Menú Desplegable de Banderas

Our History

In FRITZ we are one of the most recognized and preferred brands in Venezuela and the world, because we have more than 15 years in the  ⁠the development, innovation and products positioning with a lot of flavor

With a lot of effort, love and perseverance, we have managed to introduce our sauces in different countries, providing the special touch in the gastronomy of the world.

Cultural Sensitivity

We grew up at a family table in the northern Caribbean, but now we share and expand our table miles away.

For us it is important to add value to our team and associates, seeking to maximize the development, reaching and positioning of all those who make life in FRITZ.

Purpose of Massive Transformation

At FRITZ we work for the well-being of the world. Our brand purpose is to share moments full of flavor and joy.

Our service is based on making sure that every bite is enjoyed to the fullest. our reality is we are increasingly found around the world, with a genuine connection that identifies us.


Our inspiration comes from faith, family, what we live and the connections that expand those experiences. This is how we are able to develop innovative products that are characterized as unique.

Sharing a family table, with all its members enjoying the FRITZ seasoning, fills us with love. That is FRITZ.